What is Agarwood? Aquilaria plants produce a resinous heartwood known as agarwood, or gaharu, as it is known in several Asian nations. The subtropical forest tree known as the aquilaria has a population range that reaches from the foothills of the Himalayas in South Asia to Southeast Asia and into the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Agarwood can also be found abundantly in Malaysia.
Although they need a lot of water and shade to flourish, seedlings of the aquilaria can begin to produce flowers and seeds as early as four years old. Aquilaria may thrive in a variety of soil types, including deficient sandy soil. It is known that at least fifteen different Aquilaria species can yield highly prized agarwood.
Agarwood is highly sought after as a raw material for incense, perfume, and medicinal uses all over the world. Commercial and agricultural plantations of agarwood are required. They are done by an artificial induction process known as the “inoculation process” to feed the constant and rising demand for agarwood. This could stop agarwood from being taken carelessly from its natural environment.
Benefits of Agarwood
Agarwood has been utilized for many health advantages and illnesses in its different forms, including oil, wood, powder, plant, and more. Agarwood has been used medicinally for thousands of years and is used today in Tibetan, Ayurvedic, and traditional East Asian medicine.
1. Relieve Sleeping Disorders
Sleep disturbances can be relieved by a tea brewed from agarwood leaves. Thanks to the effects of agarwood leaves, you can sleep more soundly and for a more extended period.
2. Loses Weight
Agarwood leaves can aid in getting rid of unwanted body weight, which is beneficial if you want to burn unwanted body fat. The functions of your liver’s metabolism are enhanced, and your gastric secretions are improved, increasing the stomach’s ability to digest your food.
3. Detoxification
When consuming tea or medicine made from the leaves of Agarwood will aid in detoxifying the body from harmful substances such as bad bacteria, viruses and more. The leaves of the Agarwood can enhance an individual’s urine quantity, which can help eliminate toxic wastes effectively.
4. Relieve Inflammation
Agarwood oud oil contains anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-arthritic qualities that can decrease inflammation and relieve pain commonly linked to joint aches, body aches, arthritis and rheumatism. Massaging the oil onto your pain areas can reduce muscle stiffness and swell effectively.
5. Gets Rid Of Bad Breath
If you want to get rid of your bad breath and are struggling to find a way to do so, you can drop some Agarwood oud oil or boil some Agarwood leaves in a glass of water and then gargle the water in your mouth for a few seconds. This will get rid of your bad breath, which is typically caused by bacteria that are harboured in the mouth area.
6. Skincare Use
Agarwood oud oil can be used in your skincare routine as a treatment for skin issues such as puffiness, swelling, redness and irritation due to the anti-inflammatory properties of Agarwood. You can add the oud oil into your moisturizer for daily usage and prevention methods for dark spots and acne.
7. Increase Qi
Agarwood has long been known as a medical term in traditional Chinese. According to legend, agarwood’s alluring perfume stimulates Qi, often known as the “vital force” or “life energy,” which is the core idea behind traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts. Ayurvedic Medicine recommends agarwood oud oil to improve mental clarity, open the Agna or third eye, and all of the chakras in the upper half of the body, frequently linked to divinity.
Uses Of Agarwood
Agarwood can have many uses, especially regarding its oud oil. Agarwood and its oud oil are beneficial in Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic practices.
1. Essential Oil
Oil from Agarwood can be extracted and turned into an essential oil with many benefits. Other than having a fragrant scent, Agarwood essential oil is beneficial in treating the digestive system, reduces abdominal pain, relieves asthma and reduces any tightness in the chest area.
2. Coffee
The oud oil from Agarwood can be infused into coffee to create a tasty and aromatic drink. This makes a unique tasting coffee that will differ from the other coffees available plus; it will serve the purpose of energising the individual that drinks this coffee.
3. Perfume
The oil that is extracted from Agarwood can be added to a perfume. This is because Agarwood oil has a robust woody scent in combination with soft, floral and fruity aromas.
Vukoffi – Unlock The Full Potential of Premium Agarwood Coffee
Vukoffi has harnessed Agarwood’s oud oil and infused it with its coffee beans to create a new form of Agarwood coffee. The Agarwood coffee produces a sweet, woody, warm and smoky aroma that is perfectly combined with the coffee’s excellent quality taste when consumed. Vukoffi sells their coffee in the form of their drip bag coffee, which contains seven convenient packs of coffee beans weighing 105g, each weighing 15g. For brewing the coffee, a higher water temperature will result in an increased bitter taste, whereas a lower water temperature will deliver an enhanced flavour.
Agarwood is a resinous heartwood tree that is part of the aquilaria family that can be found in Malaysia and all across Southeast Asia. The properties of Agarwood have many uses and benefits that are essential to us from a health point of view. With innovation, Agarwood’s oud oil is combined with coffee beans to create a unique blend of Agarwood coffee full of aroma and flavour.